Coronavirus / COVID-19 is having a dramatic impact on our lives and our community. Here’s an update on what iRepair is doing to keep our customers and our employees safe while continuing to take care of your repair needs.
iRepair is following the guidance of global health experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are also following guidelines and rules from the State of Florida and local health department officials. We are reminding our employees about frequent hand washing, and we are regularly cleaning and disinfecting our stores and products, with a particular emphasis on sanitizing devices and countertops. Importantly, we are asking that our employees stay home from work if they feel sick.
We are working to continue to serve the needs of our customers during this time, while keeping our employees, customers, and local community safe.
Thank you for trusting us with your business.